Concentrated Knowledge: Zurich’s Banks, Insurers, and FinTechs

UBS, Swiss Re, or Zurich: Zurich’s banks and insurance companies are among the most important global players in the financial sector.
The logos of Zurich’s banks and insurers adorn the façades in all the major cities of the world. In their home city, they stand close together – particularly on the famous Paradeplatz, the historical epicenter of the most important financial center in mainland Europe. Zurich’s financial institutions started to establish themselves in the mid-19th century; nowadays, they are global players and Switzerland’s most important economic driver.
However, the financial center Zurich does not sit back and bask in its success. The fledgling FinTech scene is providing fresh impetus. A key promoter of startups is the SIX Group, which like Avaloq or Temenos has secured itself a place in the Top 100 global IDC FinTech rankings. The “IFZ FinTech Study 2018” conducted by Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts has revealed that after Singapore, the FinTech hub Zurich offers the best framework conditions worldwide – a promising outlook for the future.