“Zurich is our strongest innovation center by a long way”

Sonova operates six innovation centers worldwide. How does the innovative strength at the Zurich hub rate compared to the other centers?
Zurich is our largest and strongest innovation center by a long way. Thanks to our links with many excellent universities, its high quality of living, but also its “Swissness”, the Zurich region is fantastic for developing innovations.
As a professor, you also lecture at various universities. What motivates you to do this?
I am a visiting professor at the Universities of Queensland (Brisbane) and Manchester, and serve on various Advisory Boards, including at the ETH Zurich and the EPFL in Lausanne. My motivation mainly stems from the fact that my work with students and scientists requires me to continually develop – that is, ourselves and our projects. When you discuss research in an academic environment, you inspire other people, but you are also greatly inspired yourself.
Where else in Zurich and surrounding region do you find inspiration for your work?
In the nature – by the lake, in the woods and forests, and in the nearby mountains.
Which life sciences events or conventions do you think should definitely be held in Zurich – if they aren’t already?
“m-Health: The future of health care in the age of connectivity” or “A holistic perspective on health care – healthy aging”.