Planning Information for Individuals
Zürich vereint urbanes Leben und natürliche Schönheit und lädt Sie ein, die Stadt auf bewusste Weise zu genießen. Von regionaler Kulinarik über grüne Oasen bis hin zu innovativen Projekten – Zürich bietet einzigartige Erlebnisse, die Kultur, Natur und Verantwortung miteinander verbinden. Lassen Sie sich inspirieren und entdecken Sie eine Stadt, die Vielfalt und Lebensqualität perfekt vereint.
Zürich Card
24h and 72h
The Zürich Card offers the following benefits:
- Unlimited 2nd class travel on all forms of public transportation in the city of Zurich and surrounding region
- Free or reduced admission to the majority of Zurich’s museums
- 50% discount on public city tours organized by Zurich Tourism
And many more discounts on a variety of cultural and leisure activities and in local stores.

Pro Tip:
With the Zürich Card, travel from the airport to the city center is already included.
Grand Tour of Switzerland
Touring Package

Zürich Tourism at Your Service
B2B Bookings: Zürich Tourism is happy to assist you with the reservation of buses, cars or limousines for transfers, round trips or excursions lasting several days. We can also organize tour guides in 11 languages.
Hotels for Travel Trade: Over 350 hotels in the Zurich region with more than 24,000 beds offer their guests a high quality service. Many of them have special offers for travel trade.