Day Trip: Zürich Oberland

Forested mountains, panoramic views, lake landscapes, and regional specialties all characterize the Zürich Oberland. The region is the perfect place to relax and enjoy some peace and quiet.
Zürich Oberland, Bachtel

How do I get to the Zürich Oberland?

The Zürich Oberland encompasses the region between Zurich, Winterthur, and Rapperswil-Jona. The recreation area is best reached by public transportation. Those who like cycling can also discover the region on an extended bike tour.

Some Impressions of the Zürich Oberland:

Wonderful hilly landscapes

The hilly, forested Zürich Oberland is a popular recreation area and is particularly suitable for hiking. The Sternenberg region and the Hörnli are easily accessible all year round and thus a paradise for hikers who in spring do not want to wait until the snow has melted at higher altitudes. Good, sturdy footwear is a must all year round!


It is recommended to travel there by public transportation, as parking spaces are always in short supply.

Zürich Oberland, Schauenberg

A Variety of Experiences: 

Regional Specialties

The Zürich Oberland is like a lush garden at the gates of the city of Zurich. The best wine grows here and local producers provide high-quality cheese, yogurt, or fruits, vegetables and herbs.  Incidentally, have you ever heard of “Baumerfladen”? A trip here is worth it for this specialty alone!

The label “us em Zürioberland” guarantees that a product is entirely made of ingredients from Zurich Oberland. Furthermore, it stands for the identity of the people behind the product.

Active Outdoors

The region is ideal for sports activities, as well as varied day trips. Whether by bike in summer, on cross-country skis in winter, or on foot at any time of year: there is always plenty to experience!

Zürich Oberland, Sagenraintobel
Sporty Ideas for Outdoors: 

Industrial Past

Believe it or not, in bygone days countless spindles spun round in this picturesque region – in the spinning mill of the famous entrepreneur, Adolf Guyer-Zeller. Two centuries later, Museum Neuthal Textil- & Industriekultur offers a fascinating insight into hydropower and weaving.

To complete the experience, visitors can dine in the former factory halls of the Neue Spinnerei in Aathal or in the Bleichibeiz in Wald.

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