Straumann Hüppen – the Wafer Roll From Zurich

Hüppen are delectable wafer rolls that nowadays are often filled with chocolate cream. The name is said to derive from the Greek word, “hopyes”, meaning “a host-like wafer”.
Back in the 14th century, Hüppen were considered poor man’s fare, as all that was needed to make them was water, flour and honey. However, through the import of sugar they developed into a popular pastry. And with motifs or family coat-of-arms imprinted on them, they soon graced the tables at every wedding feast.
The modern-day Straumann Hüppen are sweeter still – for they are filled with mouthwatering chocolate cream.
The highly popular Hüppen are now being produced by the family firm in the second generation. In 1971, Ueli Straumann was still making these delicacies in the heart of Zurich’s Langstrasse quarter. Since 1980, the company has been domiciled in Wädenswil on Lake Zurich. Here, visitors can purchase Hüppen directly in the factory store or, on public holidays, from an automatic dispensing machine.
Where to Buy
Straumann Hüppen are on sale in many bakeries, patisseries and confectionery stores, as well as at the following outlets: