Traversée active de Zurich

On the Water
With Paddle, Sail, and Oar
Whether it’s stand-up paddling or sailing on Lake Zurich, a kayak tour or dragon boating: Nothing gets the team out of everyday stress as quickly as an excursion on the water.
Concentration and Dexterity
With Bows and Balls
Shooting the target with an arrow or putting the golf ball in the hole: These games and sports require skills and dexterity. With a little practice and concentration, even newbies make quick progress.
Joint Round Trips
En Route with the Team
Teams discover new things and enjoy the wind in their hair, when they go on a joint excursion on an e-scooter, moped, or an e-bike. A hot air balloon ride guarantees spectacular views.
Experience Nature
Let’s Get Out of the City
There's nothing better than an excursion into nature to breathe fresh air into mind and body. On a tour with huskies, an outdoor adventure in the mountains or a guided visit to fascinating underground caves, the team gets inspiring new ideas.
Excitement and Thrills
High Up and a Fast Ride Downhill
Teams that don’t shy away from heights and fast downhill rides will have a blast with these experiences: rope park or mountain climbing, night sledding or a steep descent on a ski jumping hill.
Games and Challenges
Puzzle, Play, Win
Solving tricky puzzles, chasing bandits, or competing against each other on the farm in a chicken flicking contest: With these activities, teams get to enjoy their playful side, discover their ambition, and stick together in the face of challenges.